
The Parish in the Media World

This is a second edition, revised and expanded, and based on the 2016 manual of the same name. The project was financed by a grant from the Orthodox Initiative international open grant contest and aimed at providing methodological assistance to non-profit organisations in the information coverage of their activities. It analyses the experience of Orthodox non-profit organisations in the field of building interaction with the press, compiling brand books, preparing content for the media, and online promotion (websites and social media marketing), specifically focusing on offline presentation and cooperation with the target audience.

The Parish in the Media World / Manual on information coverage of the activities of Orthodox parish communities and organisation of information work in the parishes/ Second edition, revised and expanded./ Editor Evgeniya Zhukovskaya/ Moscow: Prosvetitel Publishing House, Parishes website (www.prichod.ru), 2020. – 136 p.  


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